Greetings from Kingston.
We are preparing for the academic year ahead, and both a reading list and letter of welcome will be reaching you shortly. In the meantime, here are a couple of quick announcements to help you get ready.
1. As you know, the classes for MA Publishing take place on Mondays and Tuesdays. The course will however begin with a week long module that offers an introduction to the industry, featuring the kind of opportunities publishers respond to and a whistle-stop tour of what tends to happen and in what order. This will take place in the week beginning 26th September, when you will need to be in Kingston every day (the week will conclude with group presentations as part of the module assignment).
2. The Marketing Module in semester two will require you to have read Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. We are letting you know now as this is a great summer read!
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I have cut out the signature, on behalf of the privacy of the person who filled me with joy. But, now you can see from where my excitement has risen. While I am apprehensive about a group project in the first week on publishing, I am very excited about the sneak peek of the reading list. After reading the second piece of the email, I went on amazon and ordered the book Rebecca and have placed it on my summer reading list. I would be very interested for them to release the rest of the reading list so I could see into the future. Though, I do have the intention of finding who my author tutors will be in the coming year and read one of their books over this summer - just for a little background.
That is all for now, which is good that it was more on the positive than on the negative.
Italy: 2009, Photographer: Kristin Bergene
xx, Kristin