Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dear London,
Welcome to my new blog created for a new adventure overseas!
As many of you know, I have made the decision to become a student again. On September 12, I will be heading off to begin a Master's program in Creative Writing and Publishing at the same university I attended as a study abroad student - Kingston University, London. It was the home-base of one of my most fulfilling life experiences. While as a study abroad student, I learned more about myself and being a citizen of the world than possible while staying in my comfortable state of existence in Cooperstown, New York. I believe with my return to the United States, it was clear to many people around me that I would work my way back to London – perhaps, even before I knew myself.
With regards to Kingston, I cannot say for certain how I discovered this institution, but many can attest to the fact I had discovered it in my sophomore year of undergraduate work. It developed into a goal of creating my future of working with books in publishing, and the written word in writing. After a semester at Kingston in my senior year of college, I had resigned myself to this path. Becoming a student again, for myself, is a very exciting and nerve-wracking decision. I know myself best as a student, and with that I know both my strengths and weaknesses. Right now, I am in a healthy state of mind about my current goals. The choice to do this program overseas is crucial. To be a writer and to work with books takes a certain level of empathy, experience and worldliness - being comfortable, without incident, does not make great literature. From the small bite I had before, I know that London is where I need to be in order to develop myself on at least those three strengths.
But do not think I am this weird statue of assured confidence – I am nervous as hell.
It has just become a fact to me, that in order to begin a successful path, this is the first step. Receiving a Master's in Creative Writing and Publishing, is the first step. The power of education is a worthwhile investment, especially when experienced by one who refuses to let it go to waste - which, is someone like myself. Right now, I do not know the answers, by next year at this time I hope to have a different response to the questions of – who, what, when, where, why and how. My habits of being stubborn, ambitious and determined have been the fuel for these goals up to this point – as much as they have caused conflict. I have gained much knowledge in the last several years.
When you do not believe in regret, every decision is worth its experience.
This blog is going to be a public record of my steps as I work on my goals – starting with being an international student in London. This time at Kingston, I will be at the university for a full year. The approximate time period of my studies will be from September 12, 2011 till June 28, 2012. I will be making worldwide connections and digesting worldwide information during this time. It will give me a chance to grow back into my independence. However, it will also be the longest extended period that I will be away from home – without the certainty that I will be home for Christmas.
As I continue to write on this blog about my time, I will be thinking of my family and friends at home. Each post will be a letter to you who chooses to read. I also hope that as you read my posts, you will comment – I will love to hear from all of you. Of course there is always the opportunity to Skype me or send me an email – – whichever option is more flexible to your needs.
Please stay in touch!
xx, Kristin
PS: This post will always remain here - Purpose of Blog.

Monday, August 22, 2011

How To : Apply for a Visa

Dear London,

How to : Apply for a VISA

NOTE: This is all based off my experience getting the Tier 4 Visa for being a graduate student in the United Kingdom leaving from New York state in the United States of America.

When applying for your visa there are several things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you know the right time to apply. If you apply too soon, pieces of the application and the application itself may end before you complete the process, or leave the country. If you apply too late, there is a good chance the turn around will not be quick enough.

  • If you have applied too soon, the fix is easy – Cancel your biometrics appointment. If they cannot get your biometrics, (fingerprints & photograph), they cannot process your application.

  • Biometrics – The appointment took me minutes to accomplish in the Albany Homeland Security office. I went at 10am. An important note is that, while they send down your fingerprints to the Consulate, they do not send down your photograph taken at the appointment. You must attach a photograph that you take on your own that is acceptable for visa. The best place to get this – at least in Cooperstown – is CVS.

Step-By-Step for the Tier 4 Visa:

  1. Request a CAS (certificate of accepted students) from your international University – By providing the appropriate documents: undergraduate transcripts, passport.

  2. Apply for your visa online at the appropriate country's website. For the United Kingdom – Make sure you apply for the correct visa, for example: This time as a graduate student I needed to apply for the Tier 4 Visa.

  3. Schedule an appointment at the given location – usually a homeland security office - in an acceptable time slot to get your biometrics.

  4. Attend the appointment with the appropriate documents, such as: Booking Conformation, Visa, etc. They will tell you what to bring when you go to your appointment. Finish the appointment by getting the Booking Conformation stamped, and signed by the office.

  5. Organize all required documents and send to the appropriate consulate. The documents are: a Letter from University, CAS, documents needed to obtain CAS, letter of evidence to funds from loan company and international university, bank statements, credit card statements, points-form from the visa department that organizes paperwork, etc. It is important to research the documents required as the process changes from types of visa and time periods.

  6. Wait for your passport to return with your visa attached to one of the pages in the mail.

    And that is how you get your visa!

    xx, Kristin

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How To : Post A Comment

Dear London,

How To : Post A Comment

1. Read my published post.

2. Click on "Comments" or the little pencil - See picture below...

(NOTE: When in doubt - look for that pencil!!!)

3. Click inside of the white box that appears, and write your comment.

(NOTE: The rest of the steps can be seen in this picture as well.)

4. Click on "Comment as" and select - "Name/URL." ONLY put in your name - unless you want to share your personal website.

5. Click "Post Comment."

Can't wait to hear from you!
xx, Kristin

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Packing & Visa...

Dear London,

For the last few days I have been focusing on what I need, and packing those items. A few things - like my clothes - are taken care of. I am pretty much down to small items - like razor blades. In this organization process I have decided that I will be traveling with:
  • One Large Suitcase - bright orange.
  • One Small Suitcase - bright purple.
  • My Trusty Backpack - less-bright orange do to travel and love.
  • A Purse - black or brown, I haven't decided which to carry yet.

It will be enough space. The only difference between this time and last time is the longer stay - which means more weather. My winter jacket will have to join me in my flight, along with other winter-time and chilly weather items. The problem is weight limits for suitcases. I have not found how much I am allowed to put in the suitcases yet, but I am thinking there is a chance I might max the limits. I will stop by my local AAA to ask them questions about this - much easier.

Everything seems to be going really smoothly at the moment. It is refreshing. I am still waiting on my Visa, although according to their website - that was sent to me via email - it will be about 8 days for completion. That would be really wonderful, I cannot wait to get my passport back.

In regards to this blogs, I do have a few more things to do before I head over and announce it to my family and friends. I would like to make a detailed and organized post for each step of this process - using my previous posts for reference. That should not take too much effort. I also need to work on an introduction and welcoming post for those who will come the day it is announced. I have started a rough draft for this, but it is not yet complete. It is getting very long, so really I need to cut it down a great amount.

Here is to this moment of smoothness.

xx, Kristin

Saturday, August 13, 2011

One Month 2.0

Dear London,

There is officially one month till I land in LONDON.

... & I am sure this is the right next-step in my life - hopefully ...

xx, kristin

Friday, August 12, 2011

One Month

Dear London,

There is officially one month till I leave for LONDON.

... & here comes the panic and sickness ...

xx, kristin

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pushing On

Dear London,

Visa - Heard back from the Consulate and apparently they do not send your photograph from the biometrics appointment to the city - so, that is a definite note for the future. I had to send a photograph down with a $12 money order so that they would send it all back again. It seems that you only get one free shipment home.

Housing - Still have not found a place to live, but I am still invited to live with a friend until I can find a place. I believe that the easiest thing to do now would to put up an ad searching for two others to search with. The best options for flats I can find at the moment are wanting groups of 4 to 5 students. These flats are close to the campus and Kingston center. I would not mind living with more than just Stacey.

Courses - I have now received an email about my courses, but I have a thought that I can do no more for this until my visa is complete. I am not even sure what courses are offered yet, and how I would find out all my options. Also, it is a mystery to me what the best order to take the the courses in, or if something acts as a pre-requisite for something else. I am going to need to spend more time on that, but I have no clue when that will be able to happen - hopefully soon. I feel like every time I read that email, I am missing one important piece that has all the answers.

Other than that, I have nothing really to worry about other than packing. The riots in London have moved on, which is great news - even though the destruction still remains behind. The days are swiftly counting down till L-Day and I soon expect to have a giant slap in the face of reality shortly.

I am certain that I am not the only one who will get that slap either.

Wales: 2009, Photographer: Kristin Bergene

xx, Kristin

Monday, August 8, 2011

London Burning

Dear London,

The header of this post is an absolute truth. For the past three days rioting - for whatever reason - has been unleashed upon these historical city streets. Hours I have spend online viewing pictures, videos, tweets, articles, live feed and blog trying to find a common thread that would lead me to a possible cause.

The spark?

The uncertain death of a 29 year old man shot by police. He had been accused of illegal weapons dealing, but now there is talk of conspiracy. Of course I cannot say much more on this, but what I can say is that this spark should not equal the abuse in the streets. In fact, with one report on this man's death it was shown that only three flowers were placed on the place he was killed. Three flowers resulting in three nights of violence - so far - and abuse to the streets.


The rioters are taking this moment of apparent weakness to burn their city. They are destroying the local businesses that support generations of families. They are burning homes, filled with memories and processions. They are burning corporations that give the unemployed hundreds of jobs every year - if the unemployed seek a job. They are burning their streets, their communities.

But what is this all for? I cannot know and there is a really wonderful chance I may never understand.

But to burn the streets of London?

In the charismatic and brilliantly filmed movie V for Vendetta, there is a build up of rebellion against a stern British Government. The people - V- take their understandable emotions out on the British Parliament, sending Big Ben's clock face raining down into the Thames with a cascade of glass and golden brick. Heart wrenching as it is, there is a moment of calm understanding. There is a tear shed for the history and the symbol that defined London universally, but still the slow, sad nod of understanding.

Not here.

Not in reality - far from fiction or cinema.

I do not sympathise with the rioters. How can I with what I have seen in the videos? This one taken by reporter Mark Stone from Sky News shows the attitude of those on the streets tonight : Clapham Junction Looting. Clapham Junction is a place I have been, stranded at 1am after a flight home from Norway. It is not far from Kingston, with a 10-15 minute train ride. These actions are getting closer to the place I call my second home.

But that girl - that girl! - "I'm getting my taxes back." She says. Getting your taxes back? We all pay them, we must. Taxes are what builds a nation. They are not fun, but without them their would be no roads, no public transportation, libraries and what little funding we have left for our schools. And girl, stealing from your local store is not hurting your government, it is hurting the corporations and those hired by the corporations. You may have just cost a relative or friend their only means of income, their job.

But still, they are burning.

Where is the rational thought?

What are they trying to say?

Why do they think this will help any cause?

This map - provided by google - shows the increasing amount of rioting in the entirety of the United Kingdom - London Riots. It seems destruction and being an idiot has become contagious in the county in the worst way. How must the others feel as they watch their neighbors burn their homes, still lacking a reason for their actions. No where could I find the price these rioters were asking for other than a free plasma screen television or a fur coat.

Other countries are suffering.

Other countries are starving.

And they are stealing from their neighbors - with sticky fingers and flames.

Flames in London. Reaching high and wide over these historic streets. Portrayed in movies with a romantic bite, seen in reality as a blissful attachment to the history that only books can share. It is hard to think of London burning with a sense of reality. For millions over the world it is a certain beacon, sought for to add a sense of wonder to their own life. It is the goal, the achievement.

For me, it is the goal and the achievement.

For me this event has numbed my face, and tightened my gut.

And I still sit here in a foggy disbelief - My London?

But it is, and there is no denying. I am attached to the news sites, the blogs and twitter waiting to hear of someplace I knew - like Clapham. Trying to find reality in a fight five hours ahead of my own time zone. Trapped in disbelief with a pond as the only obstacle. But I cannot deny the news. I cannot deny that London burns tonight. Look at the articles - London Rites: Violence Erupts for the Third Day - and see the fire. It makes me sick. How people feel this is the way to react. This is the way to be heard. Three days without order, but with the organized society hiding in their basements. Their own neighbors, and children acting as terrorists to their home. How can a world be filled with this type of being? Who raised these citizens into such monsters?

But there is another horrible thought - worse than this current reality, I cannot say.

What happens next?

There is obvious disorder. There was clearly a growing unease in the nation, something that growled deep in the guts of these rioters. Enough so that one little spark of confusion was enough to light the streets. The police are acting with heroics and bravery, but there seems to be little affirmative action from the government. "Where are the armies," I read over and over on twitter. But that is the question - where are the armies? Why are they not marching the streets, sending the disgruntled back to the beds they have surely burnt to ash.

And say they do make action to bring in the army, and all of the rioting cities are trapped in a nightly and mandatory curfew - what happens then?

It seems as though this adventure I have longed for, and fought for, might become a much larger adventure than intended. Only in the coming days, weeks maybe even month will tell of London's future - my future. But for now, I will keep trudging towards the goal - an education and the city.

Even though I am in New York, my thoughts are heavy in the streets of London. I am heartbroken that the quiet city, where I never once felt uncomfortable, is burning. I am sick to my stomach that I cannot be there with the neighbors to march out in their great peaceful numbers only to clean the streets of their communities - their home. But I am there in spirit and in prayer.

May tonight try its hardest to end with more peace than the last.

London: 2009, Photograph: Kristin Bergene

xx, kristin

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oh Visa, Oh Visa...

Dear London,

I am still waiting on my Visa - this is day five, although that does include the weekend.

Still not worried about it.

Wales: 2009, Photographer: Kristin Bergene

xx, Kristin

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Clothes and Packing

Dear London,

While I had said that I was going to go shopping, then decided it would be best not to go shopping, I did not take into account that a new TJ Max would open in Oneonta. So, today I did go shopping and I bought really cool pieces for really cheap prices. This led me to thinking about packing and how I am going to bring a year of clothes for all seasons with me. I did get a really good idea from Katelyn about space-bags, which I think could solve most of my issues.

However, I should really cut down the amount of shirts I am bringing, mostly because I need to fit in my jeans.

I tried to plan out my suitcase and while I can fit all the clothes, I do not know how to get my shoes over. Which sounds horrible but, I need to make sure I can bring my good walking shoes / boots.

I do love that this is my biggest problem right now, after this crazy summer.

Wales: 2009, Photographer: Kristin Bergene

xx, Kristin