Thursday, September 1, 2011

Countdown Continues

Dear London,

I wish I had more exciting things to say than I am focused on packing, and that I hope I can fit all my shoes in one small suitcase, but the days are numbered. Now that my visa is done, loans are finalized, courses are signed up for, plane tickets are purchased, enrollment step one is completed, and Rebecca has been started, I have nothing left but to pack while that countdown to run outs.

Once in England my list is not so big - find a flat, find a bank, enrollment step 2, organize courses and, most importantly, remember how to cook. After my summer of accomplishments and busy work, this will be nothing - fingers crossed.

For the moment, I am left staring at two open suitcases with neatly piled clothes, a backpack and purse waiting patiently for their own undecided contents, and a laundry basket full of 'stuff' that must somehow be fit into my luggage.

The limit is 50lbs per suitcase. 

The challenge is packing for a year. 

Any advice?

Kochanie the last time I packed up for England, 2009 - BOY could I use her now!

xx, Kristin

PS: if anyone wants to play with spacebags and help me pack, just let me know when I can expect you - I've got hot coca!!