Monday, February 20, 2012

Kings Tun

I've been having a seriously busy time over the last couple weeks. Now that school is back in session, my struggle with balancing writing my book and accomplishing homework well is very much out of whack. Monday I have to do the work for Tuesday, Tuesday I'm in class from 11am to 8pm, Wednesday I'm doing the school work for Thursday, Friday I'm catching up on what I've missed. Saturday and Sunday I try to work on my book and by Sunday night I usually recall that I haven't been outside in three or four days.

But, anyone who knows me knows that I cannot restrain myself from not working on my book everyday. Two "free" days a week that I can dedicate to its shaping is not enough. For me the logical step has been to give up sleep. I am usually awake until at least 2:30am working on my book.

I drink a lot of tea.

It's an expensive habit.

Anyway, still no internet. Still no pictures of the flat.

Still thinking and missing all you Stateside.

xx, Kristin

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